Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Well I finally took the bull by the horns and ordered myself something for a change. I came into some money via a ghostwriting gig awhile back and have been sitting on it in case of an emergency. Never should have put that idea in FATES mind because as luck, or no luck would have it, I needed to replace and air-conditioning unit, and as I thought a so called 'green' unit cost lots of green, and left little behind for me.

Then of course horribly high winds blew through the desert for days and took most of my roof with them. Had to get a new one of those too, can you feel my cash dwindling?

Of course my sainted mother turned 90 so that had to be something very special and expensive. She is worth every cent believe me. Then my luck really went south when my beloved dog died and to make things worse if they possibly could be, her liter mate died 15 days later. The only thing that survived the vet was me and an near empty bank account. I'm sure I personally paid for half his new yacht.

Oh, just remembered, my birthday is coming soon so I did splurge and buy myself a new best friend, a teacup Chihuahua with all the fixens. So, okay, I lied!

But before the last of my money found it's way to another emergency, I ordered myself a new chair from R.C. Willey, it's a burgundy rocker/recliner and just gorgeous. And speaking of gorgeous the guy who delivered it was tall, dark and years too young for me but when he flirted with me, I flirted right back. Little did he know that the attention being paid to him was his tip! He sure was McHunky though. My Cougar claws nearly reached up and ripped his shirt off. I batted my long lashes so much he probably thought me spasdic! Oh well, 20 years younger and he'd have made a nice Cougar snack, grrrr!!!

So here I sit, reclined (alone) in my new chair. All I have left is pocket change to fall back on now but hell, what else could happen??????

1 comment:

  1. What could happen is that you have 1,000 of friends who want you to have the most fantastic birthday ever. THAT'S WHAT! We love you, Chats!
